
Address: Parkstile Lane, Croxteth, Liverpool, L11 0BQ

Tel/Fax:  0151 546 3868

Contact:  Mrs K. Cotton, Admin Officer

Email:  admin@olss.liverpool.sch.uk   

SENDCo:  Mrs A Allen


8 + 3 =


may, 2024



Y5 Computing

This term in computing year 5 have been looking at YouTubers. We have looked at the positive and negatives of a YouTuber. We have studied the safety tips, which has helped us when we have come to creating our own vlog.

Year 5 have been taking part in a number of different STEAM activity in computing. These activities have included tackling codes to move the Lightbot, maths, art and lots of different problems solving. Year 5 have had to build structures out of spaghetti and marshmallows to be strong enough to hold a kinder egg on the top.

In computing year 5 are looking at and explaining what augmented reality is and thinking how a computer would to be be able to solve the problem. We are then going to design and create our own AR game.

This term in computing, year 5 are learning and producing their own songs for video games. We will then film our own clips or short videos and add our own music that we have created to the video.