
Address: Parkstile Lane, Croxteth, Liverpool, L11 0BQ

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Contact:  Mrs K. Cotton, Admin Officer

Email:  admin@olss.liverpool.sch.uk   

SENDCo:  Mrs A Allen


2 + 4 =


may, 2024



Y5 Religious Education

In RE this term we have been looking at qualities that we have in ourselves and what makes us unique. We have been writing about life choices and how we can use our life choices to follow in gods ways. This helped us to be able to create are very own acrostic poem.

The topic we have been looking at this half term is hope, advent and Christmas. We have been looking at waiting in hope, Mary golden Gabriel and the light of the world.

This term year 5 are looking at mission in RE. We will be discussing what we think mission is and how Christians use this. We have also looked at the Liverpool Archidoese and how the local church and community follow a mission.

This term year 5 have looked at Jesus’s trail, the betrayal, Lenten promise and how Judas betrayed Jesus. At the end of our RE topic we had a celebration in class talking about giving and refusing and appreciating the cost of giving for lent.

Collective Worship

Everyday we have some form of collective worship including assemblies and classroom sessions. This is usually child-led to empower the children and build their self-esteem, ultimately supporting their future development. Collective worship can consist of a variety of elements, such as gathering and greeting, listening, reflecting, responding through community praise, particularly through song, prayer and the children’s own work and ideas.